It was fine, but is clouded now today. Weak wind blows. It is a chilly day.
Bank of Japan decided to perform additional monetary easing for an exit from deflation in Japan. Bank of Japan increases the scale of the fund to purchase the assets such as government bonds to 91 trillion yen from current 80 trillion yen.
In addition, Bank of Japan introduces a new lending system to promote the financing by the bank.
However, strong yen does not stop for the such small amount of increase as expected.
Many domestic major export industries have already moved production bases to the foreign countries. However, the small and medium size export companies receive a blast of the strong yen directly. There seem to be more 8,070,000 people working in companies increasing than people working in companies becoming the pinch by strong yen in current Japan.
Japanese Government and Bank of Japan will not wrestle seriously. The Japanese Government explains that the stock price of companies fall does not reflect real economy.
The difference of the poverty and wealth spreads surely like U.S.A. in Japan. There are not work to be satisfied with even if many university students graduate.
The Japanese pension policy is about to fail, too. The pension pay-out age improves year by year. Japanese elderly people look for a place of employment, too, but fitting jobs are not found.
The current world economy does not become the structure that a brisk type of industry pushes up the business results of other types of industry.
It is so-called winner-take-all. All is derived to affiliates in the group. And the profit is pooled in the corporate group and does not appear in the market.
The current world recession is winner-take-all recession.
Even if each country promotes the easy-money policy, nobody can steal out of this structural depression.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It rains today. The wind does not blow. It is a chilly day.
Today is Sunday.
Let's relax!
It is important that we take it easy. We must not worry. The matters that can be settled even if we get impatient are slight.
Let's enjoy the life!
We can carry it out. Our DNA has it. Only ourselves can know the meaning that we live for. We should live on one's feeling.
Our life is splendid!
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a chilly day.
Sponge gourds grow big.
I take the long-awaited sponge gourd water.
Japanese people use sponge gourd water as a lotion and medicine, ointment for a long time. The component is sponge gourd saponin, potassium nitrate, pectin, protein, sugar, etc.
The effect is heat rash, a crack, a chap, a cough medicine, swelling, diuresis.
I intend to use it as a body lotion.
It is the coating feeling that is kind to skin.
I prepared eight 2l plastic bottles.
They are for sponge gourd water collection.
I boil it in turn if I gather sponge gourd water and keep it with a refrigerator.
I look forward to watching sponge gourd water collecting to the plastic bottle.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It is clouded today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively chilly day.
I went out to the Kamogawa sea world to play the other day. That killer whale "rabbi" delivered a baby killer whale safely on July 19. I went to watch the child.
I commuted by express bus.
It is a route going along Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line from the Hamamatsucho bus terminal. It is an excursion of two hours 20 minutes.
It is very comfortable!
I arrived at the field, and the show of killer whales began in a few minutes.
It is splendid!
The baby killer whale swam with the mother killer whale in another swimming pool.
The baby killer whale became quite big, but is very pretty!
The Kamogawa sea world seems to raise the pet names of the baby killer whale to 10/31.
After the show of killer whales, I watched the indoor show of Beluga.
Beluga are very smart animals.
I was surprised!
I was healed by them on that day.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade

Today's weather changes busily. It is clouded for the moment. The wind stops. It is a relatively cool day.
The U.S. presidential election last panel discussion was held last night in Boca Raton of Florida.
This theme is diplomacy and security.
This theme is the most important to current U.S.A. Because domestic economy cools down, U.S.A. has to squeeze in through the overseas market more strongly. The American economic power and armaments are one in body and mind. Japan and Korea do business in the umbrella. In a sense all the free countries participate in the benefit.
The theme last night was expertise for President Obama. The Republican Party, the Romney candidate seemed to be coerced from beginning to end by him.
Successive American Presidents came through the complicated international situation. All without regard for appearances. Slyly. To electorates in faithfulness. And they brought free countries profit and peace surely.
The activation of the economy of America is not confined to free countries now. It spreads to all countries introducing a market mechanism.
The world loses sight of global standards now. The global standards are admirations. It is romance.
The future in America leads our tomorrow.
Do they understand it?

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It was a relatively hot day, but it is the evening and cools down.
Daily life is over steadily.
Time is the working of the space.
We are parts of the space.
And we are the staff of the space.
However, we do not participate in the working of the space directly. We only step on the aftermath.
When we close our eyes, we can watch our essence.
Our essence is space in the small cell.
When space are connected complicatedly, substance is born.
Possibly is it us that there is in a huge elephant?
We do bad matters in the body of a huge elephant at choice.
DNA of the elephant will remove us as bacteria soon.
However, possibly we multiply and may destroy space.
At all events we fall.
After all we must stop.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively hot day.
I went to Hakone Asinoko today.
There was a barrier of Hakone in the Edo era. The barrier trace is still added to the museum.
It is the times when samurais ruled Japan.
Guns on their way to Edo. A woman passing through a checkpoint to a local district.
The Japanese learns them by a class of the Japanese history now. It is a system of the terrible feudal age.
It is a maple-tree viewing drive today.
However, there did not yet turn red.
It is weather like the early summer today.
The scenery of here is splendid!
Current Japan is splendid!
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day.
It is Saturday today.
Let's relax!
I spend much time to see a blue sky over a window today.
Cold wind shake curtains of white laces.
Clouds of big things and small things flow leisurely.
Birds fly busily.
This world is totally like the never-never land.
The quiet world.
I assimilate into Nature today.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively hot day.
I got inarizushi today.
The madam of the farm products direct sale place made them. Because an email became available suddenly, I was surprised. And I was surprised at the size. It is size as one grasped a hand. A lot of sumesi enters. One case is with six. I received one case. I tasted. The taste is simple in light seasoning. They are the inarizushi which are good for health.
I eat the inarizushi while watching TV movie. I eat the sweet potato which I steamed.
While drinking plum liqueur.
I look forward to it!
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
It rains today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively cool day.
I ate ramen for today's lunch.
It is a nearby ramen shop.
I ate the pork bones ramen with the name of the shop. I ordered one dish of gyoza.
The rice is free. The another helping is free, too.
I fully put Garlic paste and red pepper miso in pork bones ramen. And I put the vinegar.
Mmm, it is delicious!
I sow rice in toasted laver of the ramen topping and eat.
It is great!
Autumn changes the heart of the creature.
I do not eat the ramen for a while anymore.
The human being is the creature which carried sad fate on its back.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade