プリンス オブ オレンジ カルチャー スクールです。悩んだり、怒ったり、一人でイライラしたり、あとで考えると、どうでもいいような事で焦っていたり、ふと気が付くと、胸にポッカリ穴が開いたような空しさに泣けてきたりしますよね。何で生きているんだろう?私は誰なんだろう?短い人生ですよね。両腕を少し広げたくらいの一生で、もうどの位生きたのでしょう。今まで私は何をやってきたんだろう!皆答えを探しながら忙しく生きてきました。答えを出すと、また新しい問題が生じます。限りが無いのです。律儀に考えすぎず、少し立ち止まってご自分の時間を限りなくスローにしてみてはいかがですか?
A big head
It is fine today. The wind does not blow. The cold relatively softens. A sense of duty and arrogance. When we were going to accomplish something, we have a sense of duty. We have a big sense of duty so that the feeling that we are going to accomplish is big. And we lose our eyesight of the very front. It is originally a noble purpose, but sense of duty that swelled causes arrogance. At first the human being thinks about self-interest. The company thinks about profit. The country thinks about national interest. Global composition give priority to the profit of constitution countries of each. There is not the true justice there. The justice was arrogance of the winners from old days. U.S. Navy during monitoring in Iran rescued general Iranians from a pirate some days ago. Rescued Iranian people seemed to thank soldiers of U.S.A. People concerned performed justice. It is the moment when sense of values of the individual transcended national strategy. We become people with a big head.
Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade
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