

 It's sunny today. Weak winds are blowing. It's a relatively cold day.

Yahoo & LINE, a major IT venture company, has integrated.
Yahoo is a group of Softbank, a major mobile phone company.
The Softbank group also acquired ZOZO before.
They approached four major US IT companies, GAFA.
And they are trying to build a super application concept in Southeast Asia without antitrust laws like in the United States.

A year ago, Softbank and Toyota agreed to a strategic alliance to establish a new mobility service and established a joint venture.

The world will be in 20-30 years.
No commuting rush. Change in how to use time. Changes to housing selection. The brain's electrical signals are sent to the other party as telepathy. Education centered on memories and thoughts. Solves problems beyond human knowledge.

We are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.



Let's Belly Dance  for your Beauty

本山    少人数制 ベリーダンス教室
ベレーザ★  img_20171001-143602.jpg
 ☆ 駐車場はありませんので、受講生は一般交通機関で来校してください♪ 

※近隣にコインパーキング有り     三井のリパーク

Prince of Orange カルチャースクール
名古屋 猫洞通本校 

☆プリンス オブ オレンジ カルチャー スクール 総合受付 新しいイメージ0800-600-3010

■ プリンス オブ オレンジ カルチャー スクール 総合受付 


★11:00-12:00 ベリーダンスdeエクササイズ
★12:00-13:00 ベーシッククラス

 ★ベリーダンス de エクササイズ 60分/回

☆ベーシッククラス 60分/回





「Beleza」とは…ポルトガル語で「Beauty / 美」という意味です。




Young people

It is cloudy this morning. The wind is low. It is a relatively cool morning.

Russian Federation President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin says that Japan-Russia security negotiations are currently difficult. The US-Japan military alliance is a bottleneck for Russia.
Since the Senkaku Islands territorial issue, Japan and China have been barred from negotiations.
Japan-ROK negotiations have also been embarrassed by the issue of comfort women, construction issues, and Takeshima territoriality.
Negotiations between Japan and North Korea are also perplexed by the Japanese abduction issue and nuclear weapons issues.

It may be better to rely on young people who reside in Japan.
Or it may be better to rely on young Japanese who rest in each country.
Even if it does not work well between governments, it is possible for individuals to interact without any problems.
Better leave it to a specialist. (Japanese proverb: mochi wa mochiya)

Young people around the world are called Millennial Generation & Z generation.
They are the generation with the rapid spread of the Internet from the mid-1990s to 2000 (Millennial) and values ​​and lifestyles familiar with digitization compared to previous generations.
※ Generation Y (Y generation) = 1980 – Born around 1995
※ Generation Z (Z generation) = Born after 1995

Their features are as follows.
● It is digital native.
● Awareness of privacy protection is high.
● Consume a lot of music online.
● Set value standards not on the brand but on the essence.
● Communicate with friends on time.
● Entrepreneurship is strong.
● Having experienced 9.11, awareness of social issues is high.

Let us expect them!


like a dream

It is sunny this morning. Breeze is blowing. It is a relatively hot morning.
Japan has a public pension system. When a Japanese earns a certain amount of money from the age of 20 to 65, the retirement fund is paid a fixed amount every other month.
Old age can not live by relying solely on pensions. After retirement, people need 20 million yen, so build up assets from a young age. And you have to do it yourself. Support for asset formation was entrusted to a private financial institution!
The other day, the Japanese Financial Services Agency announced.
For a while, the government was saying.
Retirement fund is fine as long as you have a pension.
After all, is there no story like a dream anywhere?



the first Heartwarming glad news


It is cloudy this morning. Gentle breeze is blowing. It is a relatively cool morning.
This is the first Heartwarming glad news since the era was Reiwa.
It was revealed on the 4th that Yamazato Ryouta (42) of the comedy combination "Nankai Candies" and the popular actress Aoi Yu (33) got married. The dating period is only two months. They submitted a marriage registration to the ward office in Tokyo on the 3rd. Yamazato Ryouta's Manzai Partner and Aoi Yu's best friend Shizuchan (40) is Cupid. A short time goal-in for the ugly character Yamazato Ryouta and the entertainment world number one popular beauty. The unexpected Reiwa marriage without any hot love coverage is a big shock.


high-level enthusiasts

It is sunny this morning. The wind is not blowing. It is a relatively cool morning.
In Japan, the 80/50 issue has become a topic.
80/50 refers to older parents and agoraphobic children.
It is a problem that older parents can not support their children's care.
agoraphobic children are also referred to as Homebody couch potato anti-social depending on the case. In Japan, it is also called Hikikomori.
As they are, they usually age and live normally in society in their own way. But there are people who deny or forgive their way of life. Especially when those who were living such lives committed serious crimes.
Many people get angry when their way of life is denied. They also explode if they originate from crimes committed by people who have nothing to do with it.

Unfair blame.
In Japan, there are people called high-level enthusiasts.
It seems that it is a word that is often used in Japan from the Meiji period to the early modern war of the early Showa era.
It seems that the high-level people, without doing any productive activities, simply spent their days elegantly, or pursued areas of their interest (including the activities of their hobbies) as an extension of their studies.
We should recognize many different ways of life with each other.
Detest the crime , but weep for the criminal.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


the Macedonian army


Macedonia Region.
That area was born of Alexander the Great (336 BC-323 BC). He seems to have been one of the largest tacticians in history. It is said that the Macedonian army was a powerful army in the Mediterranean world at the time. By the way, his tutor is Aristotle.
It is said that in the 2016 US presidential election, young people in that region of the Macedonia sent lots of fake news on the internet to get advertising revenue. And they are looking forward to the 2020 US presidential election.
As proud descendants of the Macedonian army, they may also sway American citizens with their god-savvy tactics.
Speaking of which, was First Lady also from this area?


Mr. Western


It is sunny this morning. The wind is not blowing. It is a very hot day.
Trump President of the United States attended Japan's welcome ceremony as a foreign national.
It is the beginning of imperial diplomacy of Japan's New Emperor and Empress.
The Emperor family in Japan continues from the Emperor Jinmu 660 BC to the present.
Now the Emperor is the 126th.
His Majesty the Emperor Naruhito and Her Majesty the Empress Masako.
They are both kind and sincere and delicate, and have long been a symbol of Japanese respect and hope.
From the picture, President Trump was like Mr. Western Drama John Wayne.
Toughness. Naivete. Shyness. Loneliness. Sadness .... etc.
He is probably a hero of the American weak.
It is a strong enemy for the Japanese government's trade negotiation officials.



It is sunny this morning. The wind is not blowing. It's a hot day.
Why are we always troubled?
It doesn't matter.
Our ancestors seem to have survived with sociality, learning ability and curiosity as a weapon.
And they are intricately intertwined, and we are constantly troubled.
If we were Neanderthals.
Our minds are complex.


a wonderful day!

It is sunny this morning. The wind is not blowing. It is a relatively hot day.
Earlier, I wiped the dog's body carefully with a wet towel.
His hair is fluffy.

He is a dressed up dog.
In the afternoon I take a walk with my dog around the house. After that, cleaning the aviary.
Today is a wonderful day!


the people's feelings

It's sunny today. The wind is not blowing. It is a relatively hot day.

President Trump will come to Japan tomorrow. He is the first Japanese national official since the era was Reiwa. It is the beginning of Japan-style omotenasi diplomacy.Imperial Court Night's meeting. Golf in Chiba Prefecture.Informal dinner at the exclusive Fireside Bake Shop in Roppongi (https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130101/13138384/).A game of sumo wrestling.

Japan-US Summit Meeting. Meeting of abductee families by North Korea. Inspection to the Maritime Self-Defense Force escort ship.

After World War II, Japan and the United States have continued diplomacy while respecting each other.
That was both give and take.It will last forever if the people's feelings do not change.

Whoever comes first.


Salaryman senryu Best 10

It's sunny today. The wind is blowing. It is a relatively hot day.

Salaryman (Japanese = businessman) senryu Best 10-Daiichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd. https://event.dai-ichi-life.co.jp/company/senryu/

1 Five o'clock passed. C'mon, baby. USAbarasi (Japanese = diversion). https://youtu.be/sr--GVIoluU
2 good numbers. Measure until it comes out. . Sphygmomanometer.
3 At Melkari. My wife sells. My thing.
4 No overtime work. No hobbies, no money. There is no place.
5 "Get thin." Stain in the abdomen. Doctor's voice.
6 The boss who was finally lined up. rehire.
7 letters. Forget the kanji. Smartphone strike.
8 Lower abdomen. Without noticing it. Hyokkorihan.
9 U · S · A. I can not get into fashion. Maa, ISSA. (Japanese = Anyway) (DA PUMPmain vocal = Issa) https://youtu.be/sr--GVIoluU
10 Whether it's crawling or giving up. What's the answer. "Yabaissu!" (Japanese = Amazing!). Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade



The new era was decided to REIWA.(Japanese令和)
It will be enforced next month.

Now the emperor overthrows himself and the prince takes over.
congratulations. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


みんなのタロット占いTarot fortune telling






Tarot fortune telling for those who visited the page

Tarot horoscopes for those who accessed the page

Past situation: 10 reverse positions of gold coins
You could not realize the intended story.

Current situation: Queen's true position of the sword
You can achieve great results by focusing on the current situation.

Future situation: Queen's true position of the Holy Grail
You work with the people around you to achieve successful teamwork.

Key things in question: Reverse position of the tank
You should analyze the current situation calmly and negotiate tenaciously until it is balanced.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


みんなのタロット占いTarot fortune telling











Tarot fortune telling for those who visited the page

Past situation: reverse position of King of the Holy Grail

You were not able to get cooperation from the people around you by your selfishness and aggressive behavior.

Current situation: Correct position of bar page

You are in good shape. You are doing a lot with good skills.

Future situation: Reverse position of emperor

You repeat innocent challenges without having clear goals.

Key things in question: 3 reverse positions of gold coins

You are not ready as planned.

You need a cool decision.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


みんなのタロット占いTarot fortune telling






Tarot fortune telling for those who visited the page

Past situation: Satan's positive position
What you were planning did not go well, everything is troublesome.

Current situation: Sword Ace's positive position
You demonstrated your ability to act, and has produced many accomplishments.

Future situation: Positive position of tank
You control well the unstable situation and achieve ambitious goals.

Main problem: Reverse the position of 7 in the sword
You positively challenge the unknown problem.
Collaborators are displayed to achieve the goal.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade