
routines with happiness

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cold morning.

Yesterday was the last business day of the year in Japan.

We clean the office from morning and take out garbage.

We get words and a present of the appreciation from a manager afterwards.

And sake and a dried cuttlefish said to be lucky from old days are served.

And it is Party closing with a single clap.

It is Simplified manner of the original 3 sets of 3-3-7 claps.

Most government offices & big companies enter for New Year holidays.

It is year-end general cleaning today in most families from morning.

And we go to the market for preparations for New Year holidays from the afternoon.

Decorative pine branche.

sacred Shinto rope with festoons.

round mochi cakes

Meat. Fish. Crabs. Boiled beans. Rice cakes. A salted salmon. Dried fish. It is also soba for the seeing the old year out. etc ...
There were war at home and abroad in Japan from old days, but the custom of the nation is inherited ceaselessly.

It is a routine with happiness.

What kind of routines does world everybody have?



It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. The cold relatively relaxes.

Russia and Turkey are tense again.

By the news, the Su-24 fighter-bomber of the Russian air force was shot down at about 9:20 on November 24, 2015 by the F-16 fighter of the Turkish military and crashed in the northern part of Syria.

Presidents of two countries insist on the legitimacy of the own country.

Russia and Turkey seemed to repeat war over ten several times until World War I.

The two countries gave priority to economy and have been keeping good relations officially just until recently.

It will seem that Russia increases support to dissident Kurd power in Turkey in future.

It is the same as an American splitting policy in Syria.

In other words, it is "If your enemies hurt you, take double the payback.".

Anti-IS Kurd power and dissident Kurd power of Turkey. 

The relations of both power seem to be close.

The Kurd is the world's largest ethnic group which does not have an original nation.

Kurd lived by nomadism as an indigenous people in this area from ancient times.

And they have been rolled up in disputes in this area from ancient times.

As the race which cannot talk which does not have a nation.

Liver seems to be the organ which does not talk.

When subjective symptoms came out to this organ, 

our life seems to greet last years.

A Japanese proverb:


KAN = liver. JIN= heart. KANAME= is important.

Liver and the heart are meanings to be important.

The English translation is "a main thing".

In the news, Japanese Prime Minister Abe seems to be ready to mediate Turkey and Russia.

The treatment of Kurd may be "KANJINKANAME" in the a series of disputes including IS.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


a chain an earth

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cold morning.

COP21 is held in Paris.

It is the spot where there were the synchronized terrorist attacks that 130 people were sacrificed.

President Hollande of France says that COP21 is the opportunity indicating the war on terrorism.

"The opportunity indicating respect for freedom and the will to fight against extremism"

greenhouse gas emissions and terrorism have the same root.

It is nearsighted fight for hegemony and economic activities between developed countries.

◆ The ranking according to the world carbon dioxide (CO2) discharge country. 
1980-2014 [a unit: 1 million tons]
1 China 9,761.07
2 United States 5,994.56
3 India 2,088.02
4 Russia 1,657.22
5 Japan 1,343.11
6 Germany 798.58
7 Korea 768.34

◆ The ranking according to the world weapon export country.
1990-2014 [unit :mil.US$] 
1 United States 10,194
2 Russia 5,971
3 France 1,978
4 U.K. 1,704
5 Germany 1,200
6 Spain 1,110
7 China 1,083

We expect the life that is full of mental & economically.

And feelings move a country through politicians.

greenhouse gas emissions is the result.

When a country realizing the feeling does not exist, it produces terrorists.

It is a chain of the sad death.

We stop and must calm a feeling.

Talks are necessary for any people under any circumstance.


the global standards

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively chilly morning.

I went to Harajuku yesterday from noon. It is window-shopping. Very many people walked the Takeshita Street aimlessly.
Hello Halloween pumpkin parade 2015 was held in Omotesando.
In the road, a part became the vehicle-free promenade.

And I did not know it at all.

During the morning of the day, there seemed to be scuffle uproars in front of the Republic of Turkey Embassy.

It is the scuffle with Turkish Kurd and other Turks that gathered for the overseas ballot of the general election to be held in next month in Turkey.

It seems to be caused by a Turkish national flag and a political party flag affiliated with Kurd.
Many injured people seemed to appear.

The Republic of Turkey Embassy is just a stone's throw from Takeshita Street.

The Japanese Government does not authorize Kurd as refugees. Even if Kurd make refugees application, they depend on documents procedure more than three years. And, meanwhile, they do not seem to be able to work. Publicly.

And those most are not finally recognized. Therefore much Kurd is forced to an illegal stay in the suburbs of Tokyo.

The Japanese after World War II does not receive any education about religion and races. All the human is equal. All war is evil. It is the basic of thought of current Japanese.

The prewar principle of Japanese race and crusade. And it is divinized the Emperor. They were denied by the stationing United States Armed Forces. The continuation is anxious about most of Japanese Shinto shrine Buddhist temples these days.

Meanwhile, Japanese Government reviews the interpretation of the peace constitution for military affairs budget cut of the United States.

The Japanese Government let so-called war methods establish.

After World War II, Japanese people who soaked peacefully in an affiliation with U.S. forces for 70 years are dispatched in the war area of all parts of the world. Their recognition is not Japanese race. They do not have the awareness as the Japanese citizen, too. And they are irreligion. They fight with world peace & technology as a weapon. While denying all war.

It is the same as Japanese participants of hello Halloween pumpkin parade 2015 in Omotesando.
They fight for a parade feeling to enemies coming at the risk of the life.

It may be the time when the Japanese consciousness aims at the global standards in the same way as technology.


Japanese hospitality OMOTENASI

This morning is slightly cloudy weather. The wind does not blow. It is relatively chilly morning.

The Japanese ancestor is the Jomon people who prospered until approximately 2,000 years ago for approximately 10,000 years.
It is the Stone Age.
From the distribution of the blood type Gm gene which could distinguish the difference in races, it seemed to become clear that the Japanese ancestors went south from Russian Lake Baikal.
Possibly the Japanese may be connected to the Russian by the gene level.
And the study of the Y chromosome which led to a son from father advanced rapidly, and the search for Japanese origin accelerated it at a stretch.
The ancestral Homo sapiens of the human was greatly divided into three groups 150,000 years ago and left in Africa.
All three genes came over to the Japanese Islands. Such an example is rare all over the world, and it means that a characteristic of Japanese people is hidden here.
It may be this influence that many Japanese can share feelings with people of the world intuitively.
The group which went south from the shore of Lake Baikal, and lived in the North China went south more to escape from pressure of the Han race.
And they came over to the Japanese Islands and formed the core of Jomon people.
The people of the Mainland China & Korean Peninsula destroyed by the Han race fled into the Japanese Islands afterwards.
The Japanese ancestral Jomon people accepted them.
They gradually adapted themselves to the Japanese world. And they taught Japanese people their high techniques.
It is a beginning in Yayoi period in Japan.
The Japanese accepted foreigners in each time and developed.
Japanese hospitality OMOTENASI is tradition work from the pasts.

The refugees who suffer from tyranny, and escape exist now all over the world.



all in the human brain

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively comfortable morning with cloudless sky.

Soccer: World Cup Asian second qualifier Thursday, October 8, 2015 Syria vs. Japan (Oman sieve sports stadium)
The Japanese team defeated the Syrian team in 3-0 and made the World Cup point 10. And the Japanese team went up in the first place of second qualifier E.

In Syria, the dispute intensifies now.
Russia participated in the dispute in Syria.
This is because it maintains the Assad Administration system.
They passed to several generations, and the people of the Middle Eastern Asia region experienced much war from the earliest times between religion and races.
And nation-building people in this area maintained national polity by the strong armaments and domestic control.
Pushing of the Great Powers countries was necessary for it.
Maintenance of the national polity protects democracy in all countries.

The history mechanism is repeated this time.

The American Obama Administration remains to be seen for participation in a war of Russia for the moment.

The Japanese experienced many civil wars until approximately 400 years ago, too. And the Japanese experienced the rule by the samurai and the rule by the military regime afterwards.
And the liberalism system continues to date after the military regime lost World War II approximately 70 years ago.

There was several domestic terrorism even after becoming the liberalism system.

Many victims by much war and terrorism appear in Japan until now.

All war embodies all in the human brain.

All the human beings are sad creatures!

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


one single-mindedly

It is clouded this morning. Weak wind blow coolly. 
It is a chilly day.

12 countries seemed to agree at TPP cabinet minister meeting held in United States Atlanta in principle.
American VS Australia
"The protection period of the bionew medicine"
Japanese VS New Zealand
"The duty abolition of dairy products"
These adjustment work finally ran into difficulties.
TPP is originally substantial discussion for economic cooperation of each country.
So the result must let all fields minimize the political side.
Otherwise it becomes similar to APEC lacking in substance.
China, Russia, India may explore the TPP participation in the future, too.
The world where the people of various countries interchange by uniform economic cooperation equally.
Possibly it may be a splendid thing.

Mao Asada of Figure skater who rested for one year returned by the Japan Open of the day before yesterday.
We were impressed by her performance splendid powerfully.
If a human being surely faces each other about one single-mindedly, we may find means of escape naturally.
Show courage!


the confirmed bachelor

It is fine today. Weak wind blow. It is chilly morning.
The Japanese citizen swells in Perigee full moon. Real Perigee full moon was 9/28.
There is an event called the harvest moon in Japan from old days. The harvest moon is a meaning called the moon appearing in the autumn right in the middle. There is the opinion called the festival to pray for a good harvest of the rice in the origin of the harvest moon. We pile dumplings and enjoy the moon. The harvest moon of this year was 9/27.
Because Perigee full moon almost overlapped with the harvest moon, we swell somehow.
Each chief of state brain swell in the 70th United Nations General Assembly in New York, the United States.
Yesterday, Japanese Prime Minister Abe talked together with Russian President Putin. Prime Minister Abe shows will in the entering Japanese permanent member. President Putin hopes for a leap in Far East Asia of the economy of Russia.
If both sides cooperate both, each other's aims seem to be accomplished.
However, big walls block both sides there.
It is the northern territories and the United States.
Russian people already emigrate to the Japanese northern territories for 70 years and live now.
The United States fights against Russia by the civil war in Syria now.
It is the first thing to do that President Putin concludes the compromise of a problem in Syria and the problem in Ukraine with American President Obama at this opportunity.
President Putin does not become obstinate in it. The American is other people's affairs unexpectedly.
Prime Minister Abe carries out China and Korea and the solution of adult who became independent and must move the dependence to the United States.
The countries around Japan expect it.
Everybody loves Japanese tolerant politely.
Yesterday, Japanese famous actor Masaharu Fukuyama of the confirmed bachelor got married. The partner is Japanese famous actress Kazue Fukiishi.
What should we live with the help of from now on?
Cries of the Fukuyama fan of each Asian country were placed in SNS. With many blessings.
The human being must not be afraid of changes.
They may cause unexpected impression and praise.
It is necessary for us to be improved immediately in the next stage.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade


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■建物設備: エントランス 地上波デジタル

Tomc Ruse火星派遣記者会見anime


共栄商事不動産 上大岡駅前支店
〒233-0002横浜市港南区上大岡西1-15-1 Camio1F
TEL:045-842-0052 / FAX:045-846-3702 
営業時間:9:30 ~ 19:00 定 休 日:毎週火曜日・第3火、水曜日


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It is slightly cloudy weather this morning. Slightly chilly. Weak wind blow.

Default on an obligation of Greece came on a third dimension in EU.

This is because the Greek Alexis Tsipras prime minister announced,
"I carry out a referendum on Sunday, July 5".

The existing countries possess source of the war now to create an arc from Bosnia and Herzegovina of Balkan Peninsula to Syria of the coast of east Mediterranean Sea.

The Alexis Tsipras prime minister leading association of rapid progress left (SYRIZA) is the third generation of the emigrant from Turkey.

He demands compensation of World War II from Germany.

And he seems to order a Cuban revolutionist.

Will he really plan Grexit?

Possibly Russia may be looking for a substitute country of Ukraine in a gas pipeline.

As the way ground to the EU countries.

In any case the rise in interest rates of the United States is late, and the stock prices of the Japanese market fall, and strong yen begins.

EU and Russia should hold many meetings in future.