
The thing

It was clouded, but it was gradually fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cool morning. Japan shakes. Politicians, bureaucrats, private enterprises bare tusks for the continuation taking advantage of a great earthquake disaster each other. They do demands in posts of each openly. Victims of the great earthquake disaster are outcasts. Europe and U.S.A. shake in financial crises, too. Victims are the general people in what time of times. Politics. Economy. A race. Religion. Military affairs. We were not able to acquire our happiness in those ideologies after all. Crowds of global information proved it. Organized profit pursuit changes into personal profit pursuit in what time of times. And the creatures go to the extinction from that time. Creatures are extinct species basically. We must understand the thing. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade