
Watch youths calmly

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is cool morning. Youths have big power to change the occasional system in any times. Youths are young people. In other words it is youths less than 30 generations. Youths enjoying the joy of being alive of the world. We entrust future earth to them. We always feel admiration and happiness for their all actions. Even if it is eccentric. We must not use their action. We must not pollute their pure action by our expectations. Politicians. Capitalists. Teachers of religion. Thinkers. Terrorists. etc. We trail the present times. Youths are going to warp in the next times. We must not draw their foot. World youths must not speak for the demand of the investor. All the actions of youths are dirtied. Please embody with a figure of the future human! An environmental problem. Space development. Medical progress. Robotics. Nanotechnology. etc. Construction of global cooperation work to industry necessary for future people. The revision of the financial system of that purpose. We always watch youths calmly. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade