
The modern world migration of nations

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is very cold morning.
A cold wave surges against the Japanese Islands.
In addition, a cold wave seems to come in Омск Omsk and Екатеринбург Ekaterinburg of the Russian Federation middle southern district, Poland and Romania and Serbia of Eastern Europe.
The human being is living in a law of the space.
There was the migration of nations from 300s through 700s in the Europe. One of the factors seemed to include climate changes.
It is the example that menaces of the Nature easily established history of the human anew.
A great earthquake disaster beyond the human intelligence was generated last year in Tohoku district and East Kanto region of Japan in the present age when the science developed. Of course the nuclear plant accident of the second disaster is a man-made disaster. The European debt crisis is a man-made disaster, too.
They are not the problems that can be settled by a country unit. People with the dissatisfaction of the world have already carried out demonstrations through the Internet for a current system.
Tokyo and Osaka and Nagoya as the local city combine together in Japan and start the political reorganization. The Ishihara Tokyo Governor said.
Japan is more important now than Tokyo.
He became strong as a human being through the death of the dearest younger brother once.
We think that we want this alliance organization to combine with world leaders.
Possibly it may be the modern world migration of nations for the law of the space.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade