
Late luck on your birthday October 7, 1952

Late luck on your birthday  October 7, 1952

Personality and fortune

If you are quiet on a daily basis, if you open your mouth, you will be able to speak and be persuasive.

You may become a poisonous tongue in advance of reasoning.

It's because people's faults and mistakes aren't overlooked and they're slammed.

It's good to be strict with yourself and with others,

If you bring out too much common sense, you will be drawn around, so be careful.

You are also a person who always has a strong feeling of controlling yourself.

You love loneliness and tend to be interested in spiritual things,

It would be good to live in a religious world and a way of life that you are satisfied with.

Because you are sensible and have a strong moral idea,

Others have told you that you are young but strong, or that you can greet people regardless of their appearance.

You will be complemented by older people and older people.

You are in the frame of common sense, and you have the strongest fortune.

Be careful about events related to alcohol.

Other features

You are often said to be a homely person.

You are very mild-mannered and do not like fighting with people. Walk your life steadily,

You are cautious and conservative, so you will be weak in the game when you are the best here.

It is because you think that it is 40 years for the first term.

It is said that it will take about 40 years for your original goodness to appear.

You can steadily build a stable life without any hesitation.

Therefore, it looks like a person without a strong presence from the surroundings.

However, you are a personality part, and while you are kind, you are also very jealous.

If you are married, even if your spouse is with the opposite sex

The flames of jealousy flickered ... it destroyed the home ... let's not do that.

Late luck

The stubbornness of the personality will be further refined in the later years.

I want to clarify black and white, and I hate gambling and compromises.

It is said to be a hardcore stubborn person who does not obey instructions and orders from others.

This personality causes friction with the family.

However, for those who have devoted themselves to one business,

Many years of knowledge and skills will be of great help to society.

Message to you

You are a person who has somewhere out of the ordinary and is trying to enjoy life in a laid back, playful manner.

For that reason, you are not good at doing things like swearing, making efforts, and steadily.

You have a sense of speed and you can be natural,

Sometimes one thing was done patiently,

Please have an experience that you can understand each other even if you have a strong sense of weakness.

And you have a mission to give people the warm heart you have.

Please never ask.

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