
just like that

It is sunny today. The wind is not blowing. It is a relatively cold morning.
There is a big incident happening in Japan just like that situation in North Korea.
Takanohana 's War.
The inside of the Association of Japanese National Sports "Grand Sumo" is confused.
The beginning is a private brawl between Mongolian sumo wrestlers.
Disciples of Takanohana stable were unilaterally sanctioned on the yokozuna of other stable.
Takanohana brought damage notice directly to the police from the situation of his disciple.
He took the form to report to the association from the police.
Mongolian wrestlers belong to another big power over "stable" in "sumo wrestling".
And that organization is deeply involved in the current association structure.
The association side says Takanohana's case handling method violates the association regulations.
Reformist Takanohana masters started on this occasion.
Reformists are trying to eliminate vested interests so far.
The current association side will draw a conclusion with reference to the way of public opinion in the near future.
Japanese National Sports "sumo wrestling" has come in a transitional period after the era