
We believe

It rains this morning. Weak wind blows. It is relatively cold morning.
Russian prime minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ВладимирВладимировичПутин was elected the President. He becomes the fourth President by the return for the first time in four years since 2008. He reaches an inauguration ceremony on May 7. Russia is a multiracial large country. And Russia has troubles same as U.S.A.
The intervention to trouble spots. Domestic administration uneasiness. The issue of emigrants. Differences of the poverty and wealth.
Leaders of Russian & U.S.A. have power to decide the future of the human. However, the steering of the ships is not easy.
People of the world watch them.
We believe that they surely lead us to the splendid future.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade