
Excessive democracy raises a dictator


The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, about 2500 years ago, warns

Plato says,

The hierarchy of the people is the largest, and once rallyed, they are the strongest.

However, they do not gather much unless they receive a share of honey.

So the leaders take the fortune from the rich.

They exploit most of it themselves and distribute the rest to the people.

In other words, as is well believed, leaders are not always carried by the people by charisma, but there is always "sweet honey" there.

For example, it is recalled that Hitler's Nazis drastically robbed Jews and many benefited from them.

 Plato says,

the "dictator" who took power in this way smiled gently at everyone for the first few days, denying that he was a "dictator", privately and publicly. Promises a lot of things.

But then he constantly causes some kind of war.

It is to keep the people in need of leaders.

And he will purge the talented people.

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