
Transfers of the love

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cold morning. All human beings talk to themselves every day. What is the life? People of the world live hard every day. There are a lot of sufferings not to become the words there. Everybody confronts much difficulty for a little happiness. We expect another person and one's happiness. And we wish people of the world find happiness. Why does war happen? Do not we become indifferent to another person? We played the gear of the system so far. When we have feelings, we are changed as malformation. Therefore we feigned indifference. However, the current world society is reversed to it. Corporate governance. Indifference strangles oneself now. Each one takes responsibility as a member of the organizations. It is not only a company. The responsibility as a family and the nation. The responsibility as the earthian. The responsibility as the alien. We should talk with people of various viewpoints. All lives are transfers of the love to the next generation. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade