
Old soldiers

It is clouded this morning. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively warm day.

The life passes in no time.

If we notice, most of the lives are over.

It is only the people who are younger than us that there is around us.

The people that it considerably got old!

It is surprise of the life maximum for us!

We are pressed for a change of the life target then.

How do you live in the old age?

It may be sad choice.

However, it may be a chance revolutionizing us.

The phrase of the song of satire that was popular among soldiers of U.S.A. approximately 70 years ago. And it is the late General Douglas MacArthur wise remark.

Old soldiers never die, but fade away.

* The body fade away, but the holy will of the deceased does not die.

We must regain hope and courage.  

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade

