
Act rationally

It rains this morning. The wind does not blow. It is cool morning. Strong rain fell. It is influence of typhoon 15. It is a typhoon accompanied with a heavy rain. It is the forecast that typhoon 15 passes in the evening in this district. Please be careful about typhoon related information! The creature on the earth was now glad now sad at phenomena of the space so far from the point of outbreak. In a sense we were born necessarily in this world. And we are one of the phenomena of the space, too. We are the same as a typhoon. Space. Soil. The sea. Rivers. Air. The sun. Creatures. etc. We notice a typhoon in oneself. Let's stop acting emotionally! The excessive act causes a big loss. Belief and the self-conceit are dangerous. All people will know one's share! We should act rationally. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade