
Message from the space

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is cool morning. The creature repeats a trip of the consumption for survival. It is instinct. The creature originally stops the pursuit action at time when it was satisfied. However, we continue pursuing it more than required. And it causes the extinction. Dissipated hearts are never satisfied. Why do our hearts become hardened? Worry. Uneasiness. Jealousy. Irritation. Aging. A disease. etc. The cause is the number of stars of the space. We have stop functions such as reason and the dignity in brain. Stop functions are human social nature and family love. However, the modern society trend is individualism. And borders of the right and wrong become uncertain in all fields. People with wealth and power change social order just as wanted accidentally. A few people of the world let other people be subordinate indirectly. In candy and whips. The earth has the proprietary rights of the land. The money is paper. The house where a human being lives does not have to be big. The creature is alone basically. The origin of all creatures is the same. And the future of all creatures on the earth is entrusted to a human being. The times when a human being and a country fought already passed. The development of our prosperity and brain was brought up by the earth. The existence of the earth is will of the space. We should receive a message from the space. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade