
Choice of God

It rains this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cold morning. There are people chosen as God in the world. They are long-lived people. Many people cannot accomplish a natural life span. Besides the longevity is a dream within a dream. The characteristic of long-lived people is various. Probably the longevity is impossible even if we live in the same way as them. This is because their siblings may not necessarily live long. After all I think that it is a present of God. A current Japanese most older age person is a 114-year-old man living in Kyotango-shi, Kyoto. According to the homepage of the U.S. group, he seems to be the longevity world first place in men now. The secret of his longevity that own says. ○ Sleep well. From 20:00 to 5:00 ○ Do not do likes and dislikes by food. ○ Do not eat and drink too much. ○ Do its best without being discouraged. We feel like having got a wrong way of life. We may be in time for choice of God now. Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade