
Let's take a rest a little!

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cold morning. The life does not have the decided course. We decide it and advance each time. There is none of the people who can evaluate the decision objectively. There is not a standard. The decision affects life and death in the world of the wild animals and plants. Wild animals and plants get over a crisis by instinct and experience. The human being decides it for life and death in a social life. The most of the life and death are love, position and honor, wealth, etc. They are trifling self-satisfaction. In other words it is worldly desires of the Buddhism. The Christian original sin. etc. All of them are the problems that cannot be settled in this world. National chaitya hit ringing bells on New Year's Eve all at once every year in Japan on the last day of the year. Each temple hits 108 times of bells. Ringing bells on New Year's Eve seem to destroy 108 worldly desires. We made various decisions this year. Personal problems doing not matter for another person. And this work will continue next year. We understand that the thing is meaningless. Let's take a rest a little! Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade