

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. It is relatively cold morning.
The life is mysterious.
In confused society, a certain remark may develop into a hopeless situation. Even if anyone speaks it, the situation does not change.
The behavior with a common person is an opportunity. It is the timing that it is necessary. It is a dangerous timing.
World trouble spots. World political dispute. A country. Religion. A company. A school. An area. Home. etc.
And the tragedy is repeated.
The history always warns us.
The change of the human history was accompanied by tragedy in most cases.
Do not get in the swing!
Make more consideration!
We were often scolded in a childhood by teachers. Most people practice it at the time of normal.
A certain people say that the history changed.
The history does not change without permission.
We should stop justifying pasts as the history.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade