

It is fine this morning. The wind does not blow. The cold relatively softens.
A certain well-being investigation.
An income. Environment. 10%.
Heredity. The breeding. 50%.
The future prospects. Love relations. The human relations by work and the local action. The action to sports and a hobby. 40%
The human being does not seem to be able to find happiness only for money.
The human happiness seems to make ends meet with the balance of various factors. However, it is impossible that we carry out all factors in a good balance.
Then what percentage can the human being find happiness with?
Our ideological feeling of happiness passes away in an instant. Our material feeling of happiness fades in an instant. The factors of the feeling of happiness are changeable and are relative. They do not have points. We cannot make percentages after all because we cannot occupy them.
Do we look for happiness?
It may be that processes in search of happiness are the happiest in the life after all.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade