
The turning point of the season

It is fine this morning. Strong wind sometimes blows. The cold relatively soften.
A low pressure at the same level as a typhoon runs through the Japanese Islands.
This low pressure seems to feature strong wind and heavy rain.
We must be careful about weather information in the future enough.
Temperature suddenly changes in the turning point of the season.
We are subjected to stress to autonomic nerve coordinating temperature by changes of the temperature. And immunity and resistance weaken.
And we may suffer from autonomic imbalance if symptoms become terrible.
Periodical exercise.
Balanced meals.
Rhythm of regular life.
Enough sleep that are warm not to catch cold.
Please live life that the person who is easy to get out of shape was conscious of health more than usual in particular!

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade