

It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is sizzler.
Are we busy every day?
We are chased in something every day. The irritation sometimes blows up in our heart. However, we do not pursue the causes. We decide that the life is such a thing. The everyday life that it is ordinary.
We are frightened by something every day. And we hurl the irritation at another person. However, we do not pursue the causes. We decide that the life is such a thing. The everyday life that it is ordinary.
All of us want to find happiness. And we notice that it is a fantasy the next moment. We are born ordinarily and leave ordinarily. We think that the elements of the happiness do not exist in such ordinary life.
The life of the clear profit. Please murmur "the life of the clear profit" hourly!
Please continue it until going to bed!
Possibly we may escape from ordinary daily life.

Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade